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  • May 31, 2016 4:30 PM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    Thanks to President Skavroneck and Secretary-Treasurer Dyal, an exciting new version of the Florida Ambulance Association's bylaws is ready for member review!

    Please visit the FAA Member Center (login required) to review the current and proposed versions. Discussion will take place at the July 13 FAA membership meeting in Orlando.

  • May 15, 2016 9:16 AM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    Happy EMS Week from the Florida Ambulance Association. Thank you for all that you do for our communities.

    If you are hosting any special activities this week, FAA would love to share photos! Please email faa@the-aaa.org or reply to the forum post requesting pictures.

    Thank you again for your service, and see you in July at the FAA Annual Workshop and membership meeting!

  • May 08, 2016 11:23 AM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    Stay tuned for a link to the 2016 FAA Election Nomination form to submit your nominees for Florida Ambulance Association leadership!

  • February 12, 2016 11:16 AM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    Florida Medicaid Health Care Alert
    February 12, 2016
    Provider Type(s): All

    Rule 59G-4.330, Non-Emergency Transportation Services

    Notice of Proposed Rule

    The Agency for Health Care Administration has scheduled a hearing for Rule 59G-4.330, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Non-Emergency Transportation Services.

    The workshop is scheduled for March 3, 2016 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET at the:

    Agency for Health Care Administration

    2727 Mahan Drive

    Building 3, Conference Room A

    Tallahassee, FL 32308

    There will not be a phone call-in number available.

    Official notice of the public meeting was published in Volume 42, Number 28 of the Florida Administrative Register (FAR) on February 11, 2016. A copy of the notice may be found on the FAR Web site.

    Please note that a preliminary draft of the reference material, if available, will be posted prior to the workshop on our Draft Handbooks, Fee Schedules, and Other Documents Web page.

    Thank you.

    QUESTIONS? FLMedicaidManagedCare@ahca.myflorida.com

    COMPLAINTS OR ISSUES? ON LINE  | CALL 1-877-254-1055

    The Agency for Health Care Administration is committed to its mission of providing "Better Health Care for All Floridians." The Agency administers Florida’s Medicaid program, licenses and regulates more than 45,000 health care facilities and 34 health maintenance organizations, and publishes health care data and statistics at www.FloridaHealthFinder.gov. Additional information about Agency initiatives is available via Facebook (AHCAFlorida), Twitter (@AHCA_FL) and YouTube (/AHCAFlorida).

  • February 12, 2016 11:10 AM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    Florida Medicaid Health Care Alert
    February 12, 2016
    Provider Type(s): All

    Rule 59G-4.015, Emergency Transportation Services

    Notice of Proposed Rule

    The Agency for Health Care Administration has scheduled a hearing for Rule 59G-4.015, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Emergency Transportation Services.

    The workshop is scheduled for March 3, 2016 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET at the:

    Agency for Health Care Administration

    2727 Mahan Drive

    Building 3, Conference Room A

    Tallahassee, FL 32308

    There will not be a phone call-in number available.

    Official notice of the public meeting was published in Volume 42, Number 28 of the Florida Administrative Register (FAR) on February 11, 2016. A copy of the notice may be found on the FAR Web site.

    Please note that a preliminary draft of the reference material, if available, will be posted prior to the workshop on our Draft Handbooks, Fee Schedules, and Other Documents Web page.

    Thank you.

    QUESTIONS? FLMedicaidManagedCare@ahca.myflorida.com


    The Agency for Health Care Administration is committed to its mission of providing "Better Health Care for All Floridians." The Agency administers Florida’s Medicaid program, licenses and regulates more than 45,000 health care facilities and 34 health maintenance organizations, and publishes health care data and statistics at www.FloridaHealthFinder.gov. Additional information about Agency initiatives is available via Facebook (AHCAFlorida), Twitter (@AHCA_FL) and YouTube (/AHCAFlorida).

    Agency for Health Care Administration | 2727 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308 | http://ahca.myflorida.com

  • February 04, 2016 9:22 AM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    The Bureau of Emergency Medical Oversight will conduct a webinar every third Monday of the month. These webinars will allow all interested parties to have a better understanding of the processes of the EMS Section. Below is a schedule for the next six months. Each registration link will provide more information about the topic. 

    If you have any questions regarding training, Please contact Ina Leinas at Ina.leinas@flhealth.gov or by calling 850-245-4440 extension 2752.
  • January 18, 2016 9:32 AM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    The Florida Ambulance Association has retained law firm Dean Mead to assist with lobbying on several key issues, including the process for the issuance of Certificates Of Public Convenience and Necessity (COPCNs). Below is a request from Dean Mead.


    Dear FAA Members,

    Per our conversation with FAA leaders, we recommend that members of the Association call members of these Committees that represent the area(s) that they work and live in.


    Think regionally when you look at the list, to decide who to call. If you know a legislator on the committee, but they don't represent your area, call them, too. Talk to an aide if you can't talk to the member, which is likely. Follow up with an email. We also ask that you contact all members of your county delegation. However, the first priority is members of the committees.

    After you introduce yourself and your business, the message is this:

    • You are opposed to this legislation as it appears to be attempting a statewide fix to cure a local political dispute.
    • The current system of issuing COPCNs is working fine and as private providers working within this system, we feel that it has been fair.
    • The methods of evaluating COPCNs under current law and ordinance work. They reflect each jurisdiction's unique needs.
    • The bill also creates a new appeal process which would be exclusive to applicants who are currently providing fire rescue services and first response which would preclude private providers from an appeal right they have now.
    • The suggested bill just injects more uncertainty into the process and upsets a system which is working fine, and we oppose it.

    Please leave them with our names, Cari Roth and Martha Edenfield, and the (850)999-4100 phone number, and tell them we'll be following up with them.

    Ask if they have any questions, and please let us know (emails below) of contacts made and if you get any feedback.

    Cari L Roth
    Attorney at Law
    Dean, Mead & Dunbar

    Martha J. Edenfield
    Attorney at Law
    Dean, Mead & Dunbar

  • December 22, 2015 11:30 AM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    On December 22, 2015 FAA President Alan Skavroneck received the following information from AHCA Assistant Deputy Secretary for Medicaid Policy & Quality Beth Kidder.

    Express Enrollment

    Express Enrollment will provide Medicaid recipients with the opportunity to allow new enrollees who are mandated to participate in the Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) program to immediately take advantage of robust provider networks, access standards, and expanded benefits offered by the plan.  Express Enrollment will provide Medicaid recipients with the opportunity to make a plan choice concurrent with eligibility application and assign Medicaid-eligible individuals who are mandated to participate in the MMA program to a health plan immediately after eligibility determination.

    The State received approval on the amendment to Florida’s 1115 MMA waiver to allow for Express Enrollment.  The Agency intends to implement Express Enrollment on January 11, 2016.  Express Enrollment does not impact the Long-term Care program and it is not related to streamlined credentialing or limited enrollment for providers.

    To access a Snapshot, webinar slides, and a Frequently Asked Questions document with more information on Express Enrollment, please use the following link: http://ahca.myflorida.com/medicaid/statewide_mc/express_enroll.shtml

    Streamlined Credentialing for Medicaid Providers

    The Agency for Health Care Administration has created a streamlined application, or Limited Enrollment, for providers who do not hold a Medicaid ID and need to complete basic credentialing which may be a prerequisite to seeking a contract with a Medicaid health plan.

    With the implementation of Limited Enrollment in December 2015, some providers have the option to utilize a web-based Limited Enrollment application wizard which guides them through creation of the application.  The streamlined application and corresponding review process allows approved providers to receive their Medicaid IDs faster than with traditional full enrollment.

    NOTE: Limited Enrollment is not an option for providers of services to fee-for-service recipients. Fee-for-service providers must seek traditional full Enrollment in order to directly bill Medicaid for reimbursement.

    For those providers of services solely to recipients in a health plan, Limited Enrollment is a valuable option.

    For additional information or assistance with questions related to how this new enrollment type may be of benefit to your providers, please email our Managed Care Analyst for Medicaid Provider Enrollment:

    Nick Constantino

    Medicaid Fiscal Agent Operations

    Agency for Health Care Administration


    Limited Enrollment FAQs

    • How do providers submit a Limited Enrollment application?
      Providers will be able to submit a Limited Enrollment application through the Public Web Portal.
    • What does Limited Enrollment capture?
      The Limited Enrollment application captures all demographic information, licensure and exclusion databases verification, and background screenings in compliance with Affordable Care Act provider screening requirements.
    • When will Limited Enrollment be available?
      Limited Enrollment will be available in December, 2015.
    • How does Limited Enrollment affect Provider Registration?
      Providers that go through the Limited Enrollment process do not need to “register.” Registration should be reserved for the use of health plans to obtain Medicaid IDs for non-participating providers.
    • Who should apply to become a Limited Medicaid provider?
      Limited Enrollment is an option for providers who will only be paid by a health plan. Providers who wish to submit claims directly to Florida Medicaid for fee-for-service reimbursement, should apply for regular Enrollment.
    • Can a Limited Medicaid provider bill fee-for-service?
      Like Registered Medicaid providers, a Limited Medicaid provider cannot bill fee-for-service claims.
    • How often does Limited Enrollment need to be renewed?
      Limited providers will be required to complete a renewal process every three (3) years, similar to the current renewal process for Enrolled providers.
    • If I am a Registered provider, do I have to become a Limited Medicaid provider?
      Registered providers are not required to seek Limited Enrollment but can choose to go through the Limited Enrollment process.  By meeting the additional credentialing elements included within the Limited Enrollment process (such as background screening), providers may experience additional efficiencies when seeking credentialing by health plans.
    • If I am a Limited Medicaid provider, can I later become an Enrolled Medicaid provider in order to bill fee-for-service?
      Yes. Limited Medicaid providers can submit a new application to seek to become an Enrolled Provider.
    • Who do I contact if I have additional questions about Limited Enrollment?
      Contact the Provider Enrollment Contact Center for additional assistance, at 800-289-7799, option 4.
    • What provider credentialing functions will remain with the health plans?
      Onsite visits, proof of education, training, and work history will remain with the health plans along with any additional criteria as determined by the plans.

  • December 21, 2015 3:31 PM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    The FAA would like to give a special thank you to Sunstar Paramedics for hosting the December 15 FAA membership meeting as well as the FAA-AHCA MMA reimbursement discussion. Thank you, Mark Postma and John Peterson, for inviting us to your beautiful facility!

    FAA Meeting at Sunstar Paramedics in Largo, FL

    FAA-AHCA MMA Discussion at Sunstar Paramedics in Largo, FL

  • December 21, 2015 2:59 PM | Amanda Riordan (Administrator)

    Thank you for visiting the new website of the Florida Ambulance Association. Although the new site is still under construction, we are excited to share with you new functionality, including a membership directory, online discussion forum, and a special members-only section.

    We thank you for your patience as we work to establish the FAA's new online home. Thank you for your support, and happy holidays!

    (Need help? Please contact faa@the-aaa.org for assistance.)